Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm a DD

So yesterday I wrote a whole post and then came back and deleted it. I just couldn't stand how whiny and depressing I sounded. Yes, I am still impatient about waiting for the surgery and frustrated that I haven't ovulated and antsy to get on with things and stagnant in my work life. But it's not going to make any of those things better to whine about them. And it's probably going to make me feel worse to wallow. And I didn't want to come back here and see those pathetic words staring at me. Or at you, for that matter. So I deleted.

When I was planning my wedding, I used to spend gobs of time on and after the wedding, I spent gobs of time on thenest.c0m. On the Nest, women post about a sad/weird/freaky situation they are in, seeking advice from all the other newlyweds. Like someone suspecting their husband was cheating on them, or whose mother-in-law hated them, or who go fired from her job because she spent too much time on the Nest (true story. I think.). Whenever someone didn't like the responses they were getting to their post and would then delete it, they were labeled a DD* (dirty deleter).

When the infertility really started to become apparent, I stopped going to the Nest. I felt too old for it. And started going to sites like SoulCysters (a PCOS site). And then started coming here to IF-blogland. I gravitate online to like-minded souls, people who are in similar situations, who really understand. I hope I someday migrate over to some pregnancy or mommy oriented sites. Fingers crossed.

How did you guys end up in IF-blogland?

*Betcha thought the title referred to my b00bies! Unfortunately, they're more like an AA!


JW said...

The first IF blog I started reading was Jenns Journal. I was so happy for her when she finally fell pg with her twins and even I found out I was pg 3 weeks later but lost mine unfortunately. I followed her pg from the sidelines but started looking for other blogs still in the trenches from there. Jenn went on to have 2 lovely boys though! Its always nice to see one of us make it out.
Don't worry about the boobies, I'm almost about a AA too.. bring on pregnancy 'eh?

Mandy said...

Tertia Albertyn, who finally fell PG after 9 IVF's wrote a book based on her blog, and she was on telly. So I went to her blog, bought her book, and the rest is history.

Kirsten said...

Ironically, I started reading blogs about 5 years ago at work when my co-worker found out she was pregnant and she found the blog of another woman going through her first pregnancy. Being the Internet-loving person that I am, I started browsing and found a couple of infertiles blogs...years before I would know that I would one day also be in that situation! I was just drawn to them for some reason and now I know why. It kind of helped with my diagnosis because I already knew a little and knew where to turn for advice. Now I can't imagine life without my daily reads!
Oh, and I LOVED the knot when I was planning my wedding...the chat rooms...oh my gosh. I was so addicted. Then I got that way with fertility friend and finally had to cancel my subscription b/c it was truly becoming too much of an obsession, even at work. I haven't been on that site in over a year but I want to go on there so bad and check on everyone!!

Anonymous said...

I first stumbled across Jenny from the Infertility Block's blog, when I was surfing the net for info on IUI and IVF, that was over a year ago, so I lurked for a few months and then finally decided I had something to say too. So I strated my own blog nearly a year ago. Jenny has since gone on to get PG and is awaiting the arrival of her little miracle.

Baby Blues said...

I started just reading IF blogs and feeling relieved to hear women in similar situations. I agree with Mands, Tertia is one of those who inspired me. I started my blog as my journal and for my personal therapy. I was surprised that people actually read it and amazed to know there are people who truly understand.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel like the old fogie. I started my blog after reading Chez Miscarriage and The Naked Ovary. They both have kids now and I still don't.

I am constantly amazed at how many people read my blog. I should post more foten.

Sarah said...

haha, i think i might be an AA too! well not THAT small, but close. too bad they still hurt like CRAP from the stims!

i am new to blogland. i've been dealing with IF for about 4 years and have off and on used the fertility friend message boards. the online community was really helpful, but i think i outgrew those boards, full of newbies and the same questions all the time. i only discovered julie's blog, a little pregnant, a month or so ago and read for like ten hours straight. from there i linked over to tertia's and soon started my own.

this is my first time reading yours and i look forward to returning!

The Momcaster said...

it's all the fault of baby blues...
she made me read her blog... then, like another baby,
i wanted one too.

Natalie said...

Not sure. I've been in blogland for a while (like over 5 years), and so when we started trying I created a baby blog (ha!!). And I think just through commentors and me travelling through friends' baby blogs and then connected infertility blogs I found the "community" that exists out there.

Jackie said...

A few months late here, but anyway:
I discovered 'a little pregnant' and 'Stirrup Queens...' at about the same time and read them start to finish. Then I went on to 'Here be Hippogriffs' and 'So Close'. Pretty soon, I was walking around, narrating my day, all of my feelings and desires. I already had a blog, but didn't feel like going into the IF there since I wasn't ready to share it with everyone. So I started a covert IF blog which initially I only shared with others going through IF. Eventually I started sharing it with my real-life friends. Some of them read it (moms and moms-to-be) and some don't. It has been an immense relief to use blogging as a journal, getting feedback on treatments, decisions and anxiety and to feel part of a community. In addition, I also hope that by posting so much information about my journey I may be able to help someone else trying to find their way through the land of IF.